April 15, 2015

What Elegance in Design Means in 2015

       What Elegance in Design Means in 2015

Sire Design, Eilyn Cueto, Miami Top Interior Designers
Let’s take a look at the new definition of elegance in 2015, it is much more sleek and minimalist than your grandmother’s version of elegance. Image Source: Turtlebeach Construction
Once upon a time, an elegant home was filled with flamboyance, layers of fabrics, and passementerie. Those homes with stratums of accessories all matched to perfection seem outdated in our modern world. For one, we don’t really have the time to fuss with all those matched sets, making everything look magazine-perfect. And secondly, even if we did have the time (or hired an interior designer) who really wants that matchy-matchy aesthetic in their homes anymore?
What is the new meaning of elegance in design? How is an elegant home defined in this upcoming year that promises even more advancements than we ever thought possible a mere ten years ago?
Let’s take a look at the new definition of elegance in 2015, it is much more sleek and minimalist than your grandmother’s version of elegance:
Sire Design, Eilyn Cueto, Miami Top Interior Designers
How is an elegant home defined in this upcoming year that promises even more advancements than we ever thought possible a mere ten years ago? Image Source: Cynthia Lynn

Clean Lines and Minimalism

We are all familiar with a modern home, filled with…well, filled with very little. It seems we have gone to the opposite end of the design spectrum, shunning everything ‘fussy’ and going bare bones. This minimalist aesthetic has its benefits: no clutter, very little dusting and cleaning (since there are few items to collect dust), simple hard-surface floors, and perhaps a feeling of relief when one walks in the door after a hectic city commute.
We believe that elegance in 2015 is all about clean lines, and clean lines can be achieved within most modern homes by avoiding clutter and keeping furnishings simple (think: the extreme opposite of baroque styling). Minimalism makes a lot sense, not only does it offer a reprieve from our hectic lives, it allows design elements and architectural elements to stand out. We are a design-savvy bunch occupying the world right now (perhaps thanks to Pinterest and places like Freshome), and we want the clean lines and quality of our furnishings to take center-stage, avoiding all the extra fluff.
But what if you are not a fan of the minimalist style? Read below to learn more about creating elegance in your home.
Sire Design, Eilyn Cueto, Miami Top Interior Designers
We believe that elegance in 2015 is all about clean lines, and clean lines can be achieved within most modern homes by avoiding clutter and keeping furnishings simple. Image 

What if You Don’t Like Minimalism?

Aside from the above-mentioned benefits of the minimalist home, there are still many (this writer included) who want to be surrounded by objects they love; they want a home that is clean and modern yet remains ‘homey'; they want their knick-knacks out; they want a few piles of well-loved books here and there.
Yes, clean lines are certainly topping the list in terms of elegance, but it doesn’t mean that you must have a minimalist home in order to attain elegance. Certainly a home that is layered in culture, color and personality is elegant.
In fact, we dare argue that the epitome of an elegant home is one where you break the rules, tossing aside passé put-together rooms in place of an eclectic mix of furnishings, combining them into a space that is uniquely you.
Sire Design, Eilyn Cueto, Miami Top Interior Designers
we dare argue that the epitome of an elegant home is one where you break the rules, tossing aside passé put-together rooms in place of an eclectic mix of furnishings, combining them into a space that is uniquely you.

 A Tech-Savvy Home is Sleek and Elegant

We can’t escape it—cords, iPads, iPhones, tablets, chargers— there is no better way to ruin an elegant design than by cluttering it with all these tech devices. Of course, we ‘need’ these devices, they are quite literally a bodily appendage.
How do you maintain elegance with all these extraneous wires and cord clutter? By making your home as tech-savvy and sleek as possible. Home builders are jumping on the tech bandwagon by designing homes that have it all: smart automation, energy efficiency, built-in charging stations, virtual climate control, virtual security…essentially enabling everything in the home to be controlled from anywhere with the tap of a button. Now that is elegance in 2015!
It seems the Jetsons had it right, aside from the flying cars, we seem to be living in the future.
Sire Design, Eilyn Cueto, Miami Top Interior Designers
Home builders are jumping on the tech bandwagon by designing homes that have it all: smart automation, energy efficiency, built-in charging stations, virtual climate control, and virtual security. Image Source: Christopher Elliott

Elegant Colors for 2015

We can’t talk about elegance in design without touching upon color. While color is a very personal choice, there are some hot colors hitting the market that embody elegance.
Some of you may already be aware of the Pantone color of the year—Marsala. The reddish-burgundy color is said to be ‘subtly seductive; one that draws us into its embracing warmth’. Well, that sounds elegant, right? Some in the interior design community disagree, citing it made them feel ‘blah’.
If you tend to agree with the latter opinion, then look to some of the other elegant colors that seem to be on the tip of everyones’ paint brush such as Sherwin-Williams predicted top 40 colors for 2015. We think they hit elegance spot-on with their Chrysalis palette— a palette of muted, soft grayish-greens.
Sire Design, Eilyn Cueto, Miami Top Interior Designers
We think they (Sherwin Williams) hit elegance spot-on with their Chrysalis palette— a palette of muted, soft grayish-greens. Image Source: Square Footage Designs
What is elegance in 2015?  We suggest that all of these above-mentioned modern aesthetics embody the new meaning of elegance: minimalism, clean lines, eclectic mixes, and muted color—they are all parallel when it comes to creating an elegant home in 2015.

How do you create elegance in your home design? We’d love to hear your ideas!

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